我院成功举办2023 暨南大学-新加坡管理大学城市与区域经济学论坛

作者:    发布时间:2024-01-10  

2023年12月28-29日,2023 暨南大学-新加坡管理大学城市与区域经济学论坛于暨南大学成功举办。本次论坛由暨南大学经济与社会研究院(IESR)与新加坡管理大学经济学院联合举办,论坛邀请南加州大学Matthew E. Kahn教授、康奈尔大学Eleonora Patacchini教授、哥伦比亚大学Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh教授及威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校Christopher D. Timmins教授进行四场主旨演讲,吸引了来自康奈尔大学、新加坡国立大学、新加坡管理大学、南洋理工大学、香港中文大学、香港科技大学、香港理工大学、清华大学、北京大学、中国人民大学、厦门大学、复旦大学、武汉大学、上海交通大学、西南财经大学、暨南大学等境内外高校的50余名学者的广泛参与。










Matthew E. Kahn教授(南加州大学)进行了题为“A Research Agenda Focused on Asian City Adaptation to Climate Change Shocks” 的主旨演讲。

Eleonora Patacchini教授(康奈尔大学)进行了题为“High-Rise Housing and Urban Sustainability” 的主旨演讲。

Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh教授(哥伦比亚大学)进行了题为“The Remote Work Revolution: Implications for Real Estate Values, the Urban Environment, and Beyond” 的主旨演讲。

Christopher D. Timmins教授(威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校)进行了题为“Housing Markets, Discrimination, and Environmental Justice” 的主旨演讲。



Session 1.1: Frictions in Urban Space

图1:Hefan Zheng(Tsinghua University)汇报了题为“Search, Information Friction, and the Housing Market”的论文。

图2:Cheng Keat Tang(Nanyang Technological University)汇报了题为“The Economic Implications of Map Distortion: Evidence from the Housing Market”的论文

图3:Yuta Suzuki(Shanghai Jiao Tong University)汇报了题为“Local Government Competition and Spatial Mismatch between Workers and Firms”的论文

图4:Zehao Li (Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen))汇报了题为“Who Bear the Cost: Financial Friction and Labor Markdown”的论文。

Session 1.2: Energy

图1:Jindong Pang(Wuhan University)汇报了题为“Warming Cities: Urban Development, Heat Island, and Climate Change”。

图2:Xiaomeng Cui(Jinan University)汇报了题为“Urban Electricity Powers Rural Farms:Evidence from China’s First Electric Irrigation Program”的论文。

图3:Yi Fan(National University of Singapore)汇报了题为“The Unintended Consequences of Coal-fired Power Plant Closures: Evidence from China”的论文。

图4:Enning Tang(Peking University)汇报了题为“Dutch Disease Does not Lead to a Resource Curse: County-Level Evidence from China”的论文。

Session 1.3: Amenities and Disamenities

图1:Naqun Huang(Nanjing Audit University)汇报了题为“Are Cities Losing Innovation Advantages? Online versus Face-to-face Interactions”的论文。

图2:Xiaofang Dong(Xiamen University)汇报了题为“The Effect of Chemical Explosion on Land Markets: Evidence from Tianjin Explosion in China”的论文。

图3:Zhi Wang(Fudan University)汇报了题为“Greening Economic Growth: Evidence from the Grain for Green Program”的论文。

图4:Tianyun Zhu(Jinan University)汇报了题为“Auto Ownership Rationing and Willingness to Pay for Subway Proximity: A Hedonic Analysis”的论文。

Session 2.1: Market Integration

图1:Jian Wang(Shanghai University)汇报了题为“Unintended Consequence of Transportation Integration: High-speed Rail and Firm Pollution”的论文。

图2:Ruichi Xiong(Wuhan University)汇报了题为“Interregional Accessibility and Firm Creation in the Fragmented Economy”的论文。

图3:Lin Ma(Singapore Management University)汇报了题为“Return Migration, Knowledge Diffusion, and Spatial Development”的论文。

图4:Xirui Zhang(Xiamen University)汇报了题为“Intra-National Trade Liberalization of Used Cars: The Impact on Households’ Car Ownership and Employment Outcomes in China”的论文。

Session 2.2: Environment

图1:Lina Meng(Xiamen University)汇报了题为“Pricing the climate change risk: The effect of floods on municipal corporate bonds in China”的论文

图2:Ran Song(National University of Singapore)汇报了题为“The Productivity Consequences of Pollution-Induced Migration in China”的论文。

图3:Mingxuan Fan(National University of Singapore)汇报了题为“Unintentional Greenwashing of the Green Building Certification”的论文。

图4:Yingjia Zhai(Peking University)汇报了题为“Paving the Green Tracks: The Environmental Impact of Heavy-haul Railways in China”的论文。

Session 2.3: Infrastructure

图1:Shiyu Bo(Jinan University)汇报了题为“Railroads and Industrial Growth in Premodern China”的论文。

图2:Jiancheng Li(Guangdong University of Foreign Studies)汇报了题为“The Long Run Effect of Telegraph Construction on Innovation Collaboration”的论文。

图3:Yu-Hsiang Lei(Yale-NUS College)汇报了题为“Cross-border Spillover Effects of Dams along International Rivers”的论文。

Session 3.1: Structural Change

图1:Xin Liang(Southwestern University of Finance and Economics)汇报了题为“Migration, Population Ageing, and Structural Change”的论文。

图2:Qing Huang(Renmin University of China)汇报了题为“Resource Rents, Urbanization, and Structural Transformation”的论文。

图3:Runliang Li(Jinan University)汇报了题为“Population Migration, House Prices, and Inequality: A Heterogeneous Agent Framework”的论文。

图4:Yuan Mei(Singapore Management University)汇报了题为“Transportation and Agricultural Production in China”的论文。

Session 3.2: Real Estate and Politics

图1:Zongyuan Li(Wenzhou-Kean University)汇报了题为“Implicit corruption with subsidiaries: Evidence from land sales in China”的论文。

图2:Rongjie Zhang(Tsinghua University)汇报了题为“Anti-Corruption Campaign and the Resurgence of the SOEs in China: Evidence from the Real Estate Sector”的论文。

图3:Ziyang Chen(Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)汇报了题为“Haste or Waste? The Role of Presale in Residential Housing”的论文。

Session 3.3: Social Issue

图1:Kaixin Liu(Jinan University)汇报了题为“When Decentralized Assemblies Become a Collective Movement: The Disparity Reducing Impact of Black Lives Matter”的论文。

图2:Yufei Guo(Peking University)汇报了题为“Education and Crime: New Quasi-experimental Evidence from China”的论文。

图3:Julie Kim(Yonsei University)汇报了题为“The Release of Sex Offenders and Mobility: A Case of Seoul”的论文。

图4:Jianfeng Wu(Fudan University)汇报了题为“Citywide Job Loss and the Rise of Teen Rock Bands: The Intergenerational Effect of State-Owned Enterprises Reform in China”的论文。

Session 4.1: Urban Shocks

图1:Liuming Yang(Chinese University of Hong Kong)汇报了题为“E-Grocery and Housing Prices: A New Nexus in Urban Economics”的论文。

图2:Ying Chen(Xiamen University)汇报了题为“The Heterogeneous Response to Digital Coupons: Stimulating Consumption in the COVID-19 Pandemic”的论文。

图3:Yunho Cho(Jinan University)汇报了题为“Old Age Income Poverty and Consumption Insurance”的论文。

图4:Yanmin Yang(Nanjing Audit University)汇报了题为“COVID-19 and the Spatial Distribution of Economic Activities: Evidence from Registered and De-registered Firms”的论文。

Session 4.2: Real Estate Market

图1:Zifeng Feng(The University of Texas at El Paso)汇报了题为“Investment and Capital Improvements in Commercial Real Estate: The Case of REITs”的论文。

图2:Ying Fan (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)汇报了题为“Door-in-the-face heuristics: Intermediaries’ diversion in rental markets”的论文。

图3:Zhengzheng Xu (Chinese University of Hong Kong汇)报了题为“A Matter of Looks: Evidence from Real Estate Agent Appearance on Sales Performance”的论文。

图4:Peng Zhao(Doane University)汇报了题为“The Nature Rate of Housing Structure Depreciation”的论文。

Session 4.3: Urban Policy

图1:Bin Jia(Peking University)汇报了题为“Expected Return Shocks and Portfolio Rebalancing”的论文。

图2:Zhuoyang Lyu(Xiamen University)汇报了题为“Air Pollution and Consumers’ Avoidance Behavior —Evidence from High-Frequency Payment Data in China”的论文。

图3:Wei Xiao(Southwestern University of Finance and Economics)汇报了题为“Annexation and household well-being: Evidence from China”的论文。

图4:Sen Xue(Jinan University)汇报了题为“Building Hope for the Poor”的论文。
