近日,我院副教授张思思的合作论文“The PSID and Income Volatility: Its Record of Seminal Research and Some New Findings”(合作者:美国约翰·霍普金斯大学Robert Moffitt教授)被The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science期刊接收发表。
该刊物由美国政治与社会科学研究院创办,自1889年创刊已有近130年历史。当前影响因子2.401。在2017年Clarivate Analytics的期刊引用报告(Journal Citation Reports)中,在社会科学期刊排名第9名(9/96 in Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary), 在政治学期刊排名第32名(32/165 in Political Science)。本文与约翰霍普金斯大学Krieger-Eisenhower讲席教授Robert Moffitt合作,是张思思副教授继上个月发表AEA: Papers and Proceedings之后又一篇文章。
Abstract:The Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) has made more contributions to the study of income volatility than any other dataset in the United States. Its record of providing data for seminal research is unmatched. In this article we first present the reasons that the PSID has made such major contributions to research on the topic. Then we review the major papers that have used the PSID to study income volatility, comparing their results to those using other datasets. Last, we present new results for income volatility among U.S. men through 2014, finding that both gross volatility and the variance of transitory shocks display a three-phase trend: upward trends from the 1970s to the 1980s, a stable period in the 1990s through the early 2000s, and a large increase during the Great Recession.